You Are Beautiful: Ти прекрасна/ий

You Are Beautiful: Ти прекрасна/ий

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Title: You Are Beautiful

Author: Dora Maria Abreu

Rating: ★★★★★ 5.0 out of 5 stars

Languages: Bilingual English / Ukrainian

Hello! Do you know that you are Beautiful?

In a world that can sometimes forget to whisper words of affirmation, Dora Maria Abreu's "You Are Beautiful" stands as a heartfelt reminder of the unique beauty and light every child carries within. This bilingual English/Ukrainian hardcover is not just a book; it's an embrace, a celebration, and a journey of empowerment for you and your child.

Discover Inside:

- 18 Inspiring Affirmations: Foster self-esteem, courage, inner strength, and self-love with each page turn.

- Engaging Read: Crafted in a simple, captivating style ideal for shared and independent reading.

- Diverse Characters: Meet friends who celebrate the rich diversity of our world, encouraging empathy and understanding.

- Stunning Illustrations: Dive into beautiful imagery that enhances the reading experience and sparks imagination.

- Empowering Messages: Powerful, needed words that resonate with children and adults alike.

Why Children and Parents Adore This Book:

- Builds Confidence: Helps children develop a strong sense of self and their abilities.

- Encourages Resilience: Teaches the importance of perseverance and learning from challenges.

- Fuels Dreams: Inspires belief in personal dreams and aspirations.

- Strengthens Relationships: Highlights the value of connections with family and friends.

- Ignites Curiosity: Encourages a love for exploration and following one's passions.

Perfect For:

- Families seeking a book that celebrates inner beauty and strength.

- Those looking to reinforce self-confidence and high self-esteem in children.

- Educators and caregivers aiming to teach the true essence of beauty.

- Anyone who values diversity and the unique traits of each child.

- Parents and grandparents wishing to engage in meaningful conversations about individuality and self-love.

You Are Beautiful is more than a book; it's a movement towards embracing our uniqueness, recognizing our inner beauty, and standing tall in the face of life's challenges. It begins a crucial conversation about self-love and acceptance that, once started, will last a lifetime.

Join Dora Maria Abreu on this empowering journey and share the gift of affirmation and self-belief with the special children in your life. Embrace your beauty, share your light, and remember, you are beautiful.

Привіт! Чи знаєте ви, що ви Прекрасні?

Ви дуже особливі. Ви - єдині в своєму роді у цілому світі, а це з мільярдів людей!

Ви розумні, веселі, хоробрі та унікальні, про що вам завжди варто пам'ятати.

Ви приносите в цей світ неймовірне світло, яке ніхто інший не може принести, і тільки ви знаєте, як ви можете сяяти.

Ця книга представить вас та вашу дитину іншим дітям, які святкують те, наскільки ви обоє чудові, читаючи разом слова підтримки та сили.

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