You and Your Creator: A Study in God's Purpose for Man

You and Your Creator: A Study in God's Purpose for Man

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You and your Creator is written to not only be an introduction to the Christian life but also to take the

believer further into what it is (what is really means) to be a member of the Church the Body of Christ.

It starts with the heart searching for real meaning in life and finds in the Word of God, the Bible, what

our Creator's purpose for man really is.

The author explores the resources available to the believer that equips him to live a life that pleases

God while living in a world that largely rejects Him. You and your Creator embraces the wonder of the

privilege of being human. In this book the reader is taken into the Word of God to see the eternal

purpose of God in creating man. As we gain the knowledge of God's plan and an understanding of

how He works in the lives of men to conform them to the image of His Son, the believer comes to

spiritual maturity. As the believer learns of and applies the divine principles laid out in the pages of

Scripture, he develops the wisdom to actually live the Christian life (which in reality is the very life of

Jesus Christ) in this present evil age in which we live today.

The author unfolds the divine plan for man and the reader sees the wisdom of God in this plan of

salvation. As he then sees God's plan for the ages unfold in time, he can see how and where he fits

into it. It is when individual members of the church the Body of Christ come to full understanding that

real spiritual maturity becomes possible. It is then, when believers mature in their Christian lives, that

the church can have the impact that God intends for it to have in this world.

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