"writing forwards" is an equal parts collection of words that have made me feel understood and an invitation into a safe space for others to follow suit. the process of making these poems is how i've learned to cope between logic and emotion, how i've begun to feel power through my lived experiences, and most importantly, how i continue to hope for more of whatever 'this' is. i see it as a launchpad for the rest of my creative career and a chance to explore my deep love of words.
"writing forwards" is an equal parts collection of words that have made me feel understood and an invitation into a safe space for others to follow suit. the process of making these poems is how i've learned to cope between logic and emotion, how i've begun to feel power through my lived experiences, and most importantly, how i continue to hope for more of whatever 'this' is. i see it as a launchpad for the rest of my creative career and a chance to explore my deep love of words.