One moment she's OBSESSED with you.
The next moment she's turned COLD.
One moment she treats you like the LOVER you are.
The next moment, she treats you like a STRANGER.
The next day she wants to be JUST FRIENDS.
Are you fed up with PLAYING THE FIELD WITH A BLINDFOLD ON because you can't accurately read her, and the situation? This leaves you confused, and stuck second-guessing everything you do around her - exuding self-doubt instead of BULLETPROOF CONFIDENCE.
If you relate to these problems, then you need to go through the Womanese 101 program.
The program will give you the SUPERHUMAN ABILITY to instantly accurately assess the situation - reading her and the situation like a book.
If you can accurately decipher these subtle signals women send out, then you can capitalize on them, and RAPIDLY ACCELERATE THE PROCESS OF MATING.
- endless dates to nowhere,
- endless conversations to nowhere,
- wasting time on sexual-duds,
- not being able to detect "down-to-fuck-now" signals from women,
The problem is that most guys don't understand Womanese - the secret language of women - so they do things that KILL SEXUAL ATTRACTION ATTRACTION.
- Being a nice guy,
- Putting her on a pedestal,
- Giving away their power (thinking this will make a woman like them more),
- Buying her lots of flowers and expensive gifts,
- Using logical arguments to persuade her to be attracted,
- Being safe and predictable in conversations,
- Not flirting and teasing her, because that could "hurt her feelings"
- Not physically escalating, because a "gentleman waits"
These are stupid mistakes that comes from simply not understanding how women interpret the world, and process dynamics in the sexual marketplace.
By going through the Womanese 101 program, you will have 3 benefits:
- Do you ever feel like you're merely a puppet - doing a woman's bidding - being CONTROLLED BY INVISIBLE STRINGS that are beyond your conscious awareness?
- Have you been in a long dry spell because you have difficulty with talking to girls in a way that TURNS THEM ON, and MAKES THEM HIGHLY INTERESTED IN BEING WITH YOU?