The Winds of Ezekiel's War

The Winds of Ezekiel's War

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The Winds of War, a best selling book by Herman Wouk, sold over a million copies in 1971. This epic novel covered a time period six months prior to Adolf Hitler and Germany invading Poland, which essentially started World War II to December 7, 1941, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. With microscopic detail, this writer follows many real-life historical characters such as the global leaders of the day Franklin Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler, along with a fictional family, the "Henry's." This author chronicles the pre-cursor events that would plunge the entire world into a global conflict that would last over six years and would claim over 50,000,0000 lives. The book later became a television mini-series and captivated America in 1983. I submit that we currently stand solidly at the brink of a new and final conflict, known as the Tribulation, as noted in Revelation 6-19. However, there will be one last Great War that will precede these final years. The Biblical winds of war are stirring once more and the author of this book is none other than the prophet Ezekiel written some 2,500 years ago, as chronicled in Ezekiel 38, and 39. Even now the world stage is being set and the players are aligning just as he predicted all those years ago. For I contend that WWIII could emerge from a war many have penned "Ezekiel's War." It is very likely that the events of Ezekiel's War may very well usher in the Rapture of the Church, and then the seven year conflict between God Almighty and Satan in the period, known as the Tribulation. It does appear that once again, the day has dawned, when Winds of War are roaring across the face of the globe once more. David L. Fuller's undergraduate degree was obtained from Baylor University. Fuller's post graduate study lead him to earn a Doctor of Ministry degree from West Coast Bible College and Seminary. He is honored to currently serve as the Executive Pastor of The Promised Land Church (La Tierra Prometida). The Lord has blessed him to earn a living outside the church and is blessed to gift his salary back to his home church. In the years before accepting the position with his present church, Fuller had the privilege of serving as the Young Adult director with the First at Firewheel church. Prior to the time in Young Adult Ministries, he served as Student Ministries Director and Advisor at First at Firewheel Church. The good Lord allows him to provide for his family by being a church Financial Consultant and a church Real Estate Appraiser Specialist.
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