Which Would YOU Choose?: I GET to choose!

Which Would YOU Choose?: I GET to choose!

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This book is designed to spark discussion! It is a guide for children to recognize the innate power each one of us has to choose our own thoughts, which changes how we feel, and creates the results we experience in our lives. We are not at the mercy of our emotions or victims of our feelings, nor are we prisoners of our thoughts. Rather, we get to CHOOSE how we prefer to think and feel in any given moment! We have the POWER to CHANGE our EMOTIONAL STATE.

This book presents a series of daily situations, circumstances, events and experiences that any child, any person, might encounter throughout life. The examples are basic but embody the essence of even the most complex situation faced by any adult. The goal of each illustrated scenario is to show children how shifting your mindset and outlook can result in complete transformation. A child's choice in how they think and how they feel leads to this transformation. A child transformed, indeed any person transformed, can positively influence everyone and everything around him or her because we are all connected.

Pictures are provided to illustrate how the child is likely to feel based upon the chosen action taken. This is designed to help guide the child to associate the specific choice of action with a specific feeling. Every person, every child has all they need within! Learning how to connect to your inner guidance, to your heart center, and know that you are enough just as you are in any given moment will enable children to approach and respond to life from a place of love and confidence rather than reacting to life out of fear or lack.

Children typically grow up being taught to bottle or restrain emotions, not knowing that they can actually CHOOSE how they feel in any given moment. In fact, it is the one thing we can always ever do in any given moment: choose how we feel. We do this by choosing a better thought! Each page contains a situation to which a child can relate emotionally, and then there are two options: either to choose a better feeling thought or a worse feeling thought. Just like a path that splits, a child could take one way and feel good about the situation or take the other way and feel bad about the situation. Either way, the child is still the same person in the end, but do they want to take the fun path or the hard path?

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