What Is Your Favorite Color? / Cul Es Tu Color Favorito?: English-Spanish Bilingual Book of Colors

What Is Your Favorite Color? / Cul Es Tu Color Favorito?: English-Spanish Bilingual Book of Colors

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What Is Your Favorite Color? is a bilingual English-Spanish book intended not only to teach ten colors in both languages, but also to show children that everything around us has color. It aims to engage them in their daily environment and help them discover our colorful world.

- Learn the colors in two languages

- In addition to colors, the child will also learn other basic words and phrases

- Beautiful and colorful illustrations will capture the child's attention

- Reading together is always a perfect way to bond and enrich a child's vocabulary

Cul Es Tu Color Favorito? es un libro bilinge ingls-espaol destinado no solo a ensear diez colores en ambos idiomas, sino tambin a mostrar a los nios que todo lo que nos rodea tiene color. Su objetivo es involucrarlos en su entorno diario y ayudarlos a descubrir nuestro mundo colorido.

- Aprenda los colores en dos idiomas

- Adems de los colores, el nio tambin aprender otras palabras y frases bsicas

- Ilustraciones hermosas y coloridas captarn la atencin del nio

- Leer juntos es siempre una manera perfecta de crear vnculos y enriquecer el vocabulario de un nio

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