This is a coming-of-age tale centered around Zach, a young boy who encounters a supernatural threat in his quiet suburban neighborhood. After a terrifying encounter with a werewolf on his thirteenth birthday, Zach and his sister, Amy, embark on a perilous quest to defeat the creature. Their journey takes them from their backyard to the mysterious world of witchcraft, as they confront their fears and discover an unexpected bond. The story is filled with suspense, adventure, and a touch of the supernatural, as the siblings grapple with the complexities of growing up while facing a monstrous threat.
This is a coming-of-age tale centered around Zach, a young boy who encounters a supernatural threat in his quiet suburban neighborhood. After a terrifying encounter with a werewolf on his thirteenth birthday, Zach and his sister, Amy, embark on a perilous quest to defeat the creature. Their journey takes them from their backyard to the mysterious world of witchcraft, as they confront their fears and discover an unexpected bond. The story is filled with suspense, adventure, and a touch of the supernatural, as the siblings grapple with the complexities of growing up while facing a monstrous threat.