The WarEnder, who started as the dream project of a well renowned roboticist, is now fully active in a post-apocalyptic world with the responsibility of bringing civilization back to where it was before the Extinction War began. With little to no allies, he explores the now destroyed North America in search of answers to all this chaos, fighting the enemies he comes across in the process single-handedly. Enjoy this story of violent worlds, technological advancements at the cost of the environment, and a society where robots and humans live side by side.
The WarEnder, who started as the dream project of a well renowned roboticist, is now fully active in a post-apocalyptic world with the responsibility of bringing civilization back to where it was before the Extinction War began. With little to no allies, he explores the now destroyed North America in search of answers to all this chaos, fighting the enemies he comes across in the process single-handedly. Enjoy this story of violent worlds, technological advancements at the cost of the environment, and a society where robots and humans live side by side.