This hilarious and satirical story is about what happens to a distinct proud homogeneous community of 1,949 Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, whose ancestors originally fled their homeland because of a fear the Vikings would make them wear traditional Norse clothing and take over the dry salt cod industry.
Now living for hundreds of years in a small village, somewhere in southern France, exclusively in their own world, without a care or a familiarity with their surroundings, they encounter, by chance, a 90-year-old stranger ...
This hilarious and satirical story is about what happens to a distinct proud homogeneous community of 1,949 Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, whose ancestors originally fled their homeland because of a fear the Vikings would make them wear traditional Norse clothing and take over the dry salt cod industry.
Now living for hundreds of years in a small village, somewhere in southern France, exclusively in their own world, without a care or a familiarity with their surroundings, they encounter, by chance, a 90-year-old stranger ...