"Verity" is a captivating novel that seamlessly blends elements of psychological thriller, romance, and mystery. This gripping story invites readers into the world of Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin when she receives an offer that is too good to turn down. She is hired by Jeremy Crawford, husband of the bestselling author Verity Crawford, who is unable to complete her book series due to an accident.

As Lowen takes on the assignment, she moves into the Crawford home to sort through Verity's notes. What starts as a professional endeavor quickly turns into something much darker when Lowen uncovers an unfinished autobiography filled with chilling confessions. The deeper she delves, the more she becomes entangled in a web of secrets that might destroy her life.

The novel masterfully portrays the tension between truth and deception, leaving readers on edge with each twist and turn. With intense characters and a sharp narrative, "Verity" challenges perceptions, exploring how far someone will go to escape a haunting past.

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