Verbal Virtuoso: Guide To Improve Your Reading Comprehension (Grades 7-12, College Students, Graduate Students, Adults)

Verbal Virtuoso: Guide To Improve Your Reading Comprehension (Grades 7-12, College Students, Graduate Students, Adults)

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Verbal Virtuoso: Guide To Improve Your Reading Comprehension (Grades 7-12/College Students/Graduate Students/Adults) is an innovative step-by-step program that will improve your reading comprehension for any standardized reading exam. This book will enhance just about any person's reading skills by offering a reading technique to locate key points quickly and effectively. This system was originally designed to help students score higher on the reading section of the MCAT(R) (Medical College Admission Test), one of the most difficult standardized exams administered in the United States. As this workbook has helped many students score higher on the MCAT since 2009, we have decided to offer this version of the workbook to any student and adult who wishes to improve their reading abilities or score higher on any reading exam. If you wish to improve your reading abilities or reading comprehension exam scores, then this workbook will help you.The Verbal Virtuoso technique provides you with an easy and efficient system to analyze every one of the author's arguments presented in any reading passage. By asking yourself two very important questions upon reading each statement in the passage, you will develop a thorough understanding of the author's views and biases, as these simple questions force you to analyze the author's purpose in writing each individual sentence. With clear insight into how the author presents his or her argument to the reader and defends these arguments, answering the passage questions correctly will be an easier and clear-cut task. By enhancing your speed to pinpoint these arguments, you will also learn to understand the author's key points in the passage quicker than other readers who read without a technique. Furthermore, we provide you with a systematic thinking technique that ensures you read each statement and THINK about the statement's meaning and purpose within the passage. If you have trouble focusing as you read complex material, this technique may help you maintain focus as long as you keep asking yourself our two questions. We understand it is difficult to read through dense and boring passages, so we do not teach our students to read for enjoyment. Rather, we teach you to systematically analyze every statement, searching for any sign of argument. This investigation of the passage will naturally help you answer the most time-consuming and thought-provoking questions presented on reading exams (i.e. "Which of the following answer choices would most weaken the author's views presented in the passage?" or "Which of the following choices would the author most likely criticize?")Thank you, and we hope you enjoy this educational experience!
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