- How did Ron gas up the flying car?... "Expecto petroleum!"
- How does a Quidditch newbie function?... By winging it!
- What kind of drink do magical parrots like?... Pollyjuice!
- What's a Thestral's favorite day of the week?... Flyday!
For fans of the Harry Potter series, this gut-busting compendium of charming and magical quips pokes fun at some of your favorite characters and scenes from the books and movies. The jokes highlight some of the major characters, including Harry, Hermione, Ron, Hagrid, Dumbledore, and Voldemort, as well as many magical elements from the wizard world! Also available are Unofficial Harry Potter Joke Book: Howling Hilarity for Hufflepuff, Unofficial Harry Potter Joke Book: Raucous Jokes and Riddiculus Riddles for Ravenclaw, and Unofficial Harry Potter Joke Book: Stupefying Shenanigns for Slytherin.