In the theocratic nation of Zanther, Captain Flick Alastar serves as a loyal enforcer of the High Counsel's will while raising his two children as a single father. His aspirations soar as he anticipates a coveted promotion to the High Counsel. However, his world takes an unexpected turn when his daughter falls seriously ill and he crosses paths with Anca, a captivating woman with a dangerous secret: she serves the heretical deity HaMelech.

As Flick's bond with Anca deepens, he witnesses the inexplicable healing of his daughter by HaMelech. Struggling with conflicting loyalties, Flick must confront the choice between his duty to the nation and his newfound love for Anca, who represents everything his society deems heretical. Caught between ambition and compassion, Flick grapples with the consequences of embracing a forbidden faith, knowing it could cost him everything he holds dear.

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