Transcending Empathy Fatigue: Cultivating Empathy Resiliency focuses on the phenomenon of empathy fatigue-a word and construct developed by the author in 1998, which results in a state of psychological, emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and occupational exhaustion experienced by professionals continually revisiting their clients' stories of trauma, loss, grief, illness, and disability. The book probes into the unique challenges faced by mental health professionals, nurses, physicians, first responders, and others engaged in client/patient-focused occupations. The author offers guidelines for cultivating optimal personal and professional well-being.
This text delves into the unique aspects of this professional impairment and distinguishes it from related conditions like compassion fatigue and burnout. It introduces and evaluates various measurement tools, such as the Global Assessment of Empathy Fatigue Functioning (GAEF-III) and the Counselor Empathy Fatigue Scale (CEFS), designed to help professionals identify, prevent, and treat empathy fatigue. Through theoretical and practical context, the book offers guidance on facilitating empathy resilience.
Transcending Empathy Fatigue is an integral resource for courses and training dealing with professional issues and ethics, self-care practices, and clinical supervision in therapeutic settings. It is also an ideal guide for those in clinical practice who regularly experience intense client and patient interactions.