Trailing Clouds Of Glory: The poetry and prose of Marion Lauretta Simmons

Trailing Clouds Of Glory: The poetry and prose of Marion Lauretta Simmons

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Trailing Clouds of Glory is a lifetime of work by the author Marion Lauretta (or Rita) Simmons. She fervently hopes that her poetry and prose of spiritual wonders and thoughts will fill your heart with peace, love, joy, and gratitude.

The book had its beginnings in 1958 when Rita was twelve years old. She began writing a poem that is a testimony to the pre-existence and the plan of salvation. She wrote two verses and then put them away, knowing that one day she would complete the poem. Six years later, at the age of eighteen, she was invited to speak at a church-sponsored tristate youth conference held at a university in Arkansas. It was then she remembered the treasured verses of her unfinished poem. Taking it out, she began composing the remaining verses and a miracle happened. The words began to flow so swiftly she had difficulty writing them down quickly enough. It was as if the Spirit was whispering into her ear...urging her to write even faster. And then it was finished!

The creation of the poem "Trailing Clouds of Glory" was a spiritual and wondrous experience, and it was well received at the youth conference. It has always been her favorite and touches her heart in a profound way, being her testimony of the eternal life of all humankind. Friends and family alike who have heard or read her poem have often asked for copies. The prelude to the poem is also an important read that tells of an uplifting experience that took place in Anchorage, Alaska in 1970...also a miracle that really happened.

Her poem "The Gift Supreme" speaks about the atonement, the price our savior, Jesus Christ, paid for the redemption of each of us because of his infinite and perfect love. And concerning his subsequent resurrection she writes that Christ was:

The first fruits of them that slept,

The prophecy of old had been kept.


The beginning of the resurrection of

The spirits of all man.

This being but one aspect of

Our Savior's atonement plan.

In conclusion, and as testimony to the eternal life of each of us, the following verse from "The Gifts That Are Ours to Give" tenderly hugs the author's heart:

Thanks be to God for all that we are

For all that we are to be.

For he is the Father of our souls

Throughout all eternity.

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