Tools Alphabet for Kids: ABC colorful book for boys and girls: Educational Picture Book for Kids Ages 3-5, Little Handyman.

Tools Alphabet for Kids: ABC colorful book for boys and girls: Educational Picture Book for Kids Ages 3-5, Little Handyman.

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Explore tools that we use on a daily basis, DIY, or at the construction site while practicing the ABCs-for kids ages 3 to 5.

From adjustable wrench to zip-tie- Meet extraordinary inventions with this colorful book made just for toddlers.

They will delve into how the tools we use daily or on the construction site work-all while learning their letters.

Go beyond other ABCs books for kids with:

Description of the tools and their real pictures-will keep kids engaged with every page.

A quiet time activity-This book is perfect for adults to read aloud, or for kids and parents to read together.

Help kids learn the alphabet and get excited about DIY with this big book of tools.

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