"They Are Coming" is a science fiction novel that follows the journey of Alex Erich, a young store manager who experiences a life-changing incident while traveling home. Alex is abducted by an alien orb and transported to the year 2126, where he arrives at an alien moon base. The aliens enhance Alex's body and brain, giving him special abilities and increased intelligence. As an archaeologist on the moon, Alex discovers evidence of ancient civilizations and a Nazi-like corporation controlling Earth. He becomes friends with an alien named Astral and together they uncover the truth about Earth's history and the existence of a "Bubble World" where people are deceived. The aliens send Alex on a mission to travel back to 1990 to investigate what is happening on Earth. Along the way, he meets Doctor-Z, a fugitive with vampire-like abilities, and they work together to uncover secrets about Earth's rulers and the true fate of Nikola Tesla. The story takes readers on a thrilling adventure through time and space, questioning the nature of reality and the forces that shape our world.
They Are Coming: Chronicle of the Man from the Future
"They Are Coming" is a science fiction novel that follows the journey of Alex Erich, a young store manager who experiences a life-changing incident while traveling home. Alex is abducted by an alien orb and transported to the year 2126, where he arrives at an alien moon base. The aliens enhance Alex's body and brain, giving him special abilities and increased intelligence. As an archaeologist on the moon, Alex discovers evidence of ancient civilizations and a Nazi-like corporation controlling Earth. He becomes friends with an alien named Astral and together they uncover the truth about Earth's history and the existence of a "Bubble World" where people are deceived. The aliens send Alex on a mission to travel back to 1990 to investigate what is happening on Earth. Along the way, he meets Doctor-Z, a fugitive with vampire-like abilities, and they work together to uncover secrets about Earth's rulers and the true fate of Nikola Tesla. The story takes readers on a thrilling adventure through time and space, questioning the nature of reality and the forces that shape our world.