These Things You Should Have Done

These Things You Should Have Done

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Did Jesus sin?

Or was Jesus the only one to ever follow God's Law perfectly and not sin?

If you believe Jesus was a perfect keeper of God's Law, then this book will

intrigue you and challenge your beliefs about the Bible. That's because most

New Testament doctrine teaches how Jesus violated the Sabbath, declared

all foods clean, waived away the Law against adultery and violated many other

Old Testament commands. How can that be? Is Jesus a sinner or is man-made

doctrine and interpretation wrong? We believe it is the latter. Read this book

and discover how Jesus did indeed keep the Law perfectly. Shalom in Yeshua.

The purpose of this book is primarily to help the reader understand a key

concept in the bible which has been misunderstood or misinterpreted so

ubiquitously for so long that the truth of it will seem foreign to most people who

claim to believe the bible is inspired by God. It's born out of a desire to reform

the faith back to its roots in the days of the Apostles themselves. Jesus came to

correct errors of His day and put our faith on the correct path. But error crept

back into that faith at the earliest moments, even during the Apostles lifetimes.

Wouldn't it be great if we could go back to that time and learn directly from the

Apostles themselves? In a limited sense we can, because the Apostles wrote

many letters surviving to this day in the bible.

What is presented here will likely be opposed to much of what a typical biblical

follower and churchgoer has frequently heard. In scripture, we see God asking

mankind to do certain things and neither Jesus nor the Apostles abolished them.

God, through Jesus and the Apostles, urges mankind to keep His commandments

and those who do are frequently classified as Torah-Keepers, or Messianic

Torah-Keepers. Therefore, this book is a defense of Messianic Torah-Keeper's

theology. I'm reminded of 1 Peter 3:15.

"but sanctify Christ as (YHWH) Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make

a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in

you, yet with gentleness and reverence."

This book is an attempt to do just that. let us reason together and search the

scriptures daily to see if these things are so.

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