In 2090, Earth is the target of a brutal attack by the Roton Empire's alien Starship, leaving the planet devoid of human life. In response, the Galuten Empire, a society led by resilient women, sends its powerful hunter-killer starship to confront the alien invaders and restore order to the universe. Amidst the chaos and destruction, one lone survivor emerges - John Pope, a former Master Sergeant in the United States Army Special Forces. With his experience facing adversity and danger, Pope must now face new challenges that will push him to his limits and test his courage and determination like never before. Joining the Galuten Empire's Starship 36, Pope embarks on a remarkable journey of bravery, selflessness, and redemption as he navigates the perils of intergalactic warfare. Along the way, he forges unexpected alliances, battles formidable enemies, and discovers an inner strength he never knew existed - all leading to his ultimate goal: revenge on the Rotons for their devastating attack on Earth.
In 2090, Earth is the target of a brutal attack by the Roton Empire's alien Starship, leaving the planet devoid of human life. In response, the Galuten Empire, a society led by resilient women, sends its powerful hunter-killer starship to confront the alien invaders and restore order to the universe. Amidst the chaos and destruction, one lone survivor emerges - John Pope, a former Master Sergeant in the United States Army Special Forces. With his experience facing adversity and danger, Pope must now face new challenges that will push him to his limits and test his courage and determination like never before. Joining the Galuten Empire's Starship 36, Pope embarks on a remarkable journey of bravery, selflessness, and redemption as he navigates the perils of intergalactic warfare. Along the way, he forges unexpected alliances, battles formidable enemies, and discovers an inner strength he never knew existed - all leading to his ultimate goal: revenge on the Rotons for their devastating attack on Earth.