Discover over 1,000 different advanced level Korean words across more than 50 puzzles in this unique and exciting way to learn Korean.
- Over 1,150 unique Korean wordsMore than 50 puzzlesPuzzle solution keys located in the back of the bookPuzzle solution page number listed below each puzzle to check your answers easilyChallenging Korean words used in news, business, and everyday life
Each crossword clue is the English definition of a Korean word or phrase. Solve the clue by translating the definition to its Korean word in hangul.
Solving these fun puzzles will help you become familiar with words in Korean conversation, business, newspapers, magazines, science, and more.
If you're like most people studying Korean, there's going to be clues you don't know the answer to - when that is the case, you are encouraged to look up the word in the back of the book. After trying your best, looking up the answer is completely expected - it is part of the educational process and it is a great way to learn new words. Each puzzle includes its puzzle solution page number for easy lookup.
Learning Korean by solving crossword puzzles is a fun way to recall words you already know and discover new and important words for the first time. Begin solving today!