Sunni Hadiths and Sirah: Proofs of Historical Reliability

Sunni Hadiths and Sirah: Proofs of Historical Reliability

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One of the most common talking points raised by non-Muslims and one of the most common contentions raised against Islam by the Western scholars of Islam is the reliability of Islamic historical records, the Hadiths and the Sirah. There are some books on this topic in English focused on responding to critics of Islam but none on positive arguments for the historical reliabiltiy of the Hadiths and the Sirah. This should not be the case since the Islamic historical records are the most reliable historical records known to mankind. In this book, I prove this claim using various arguments. These arguments range from using stylometric lingusitic anaylsis on the Hadiths to arguments based on criteria accepted by Western histroians such as the criterion of dissimilarity. Moreover, I use archaeological and early material evidence for Islam to establish the historical reliability of Hadiths. This book also focus on the historical reliability of the isnads and establishes the isnad as a reliable historical source. I also deal with all the common contenions made against the reliability of Islamic historical records in great detail. This book is the single resource you need for the question of the historical reliability of the Hadiths and Sirah.

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