Stand Alone

Stand Alone

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Duke Rodgers is an incredible young man with a miraculous story of perseverance, determination, and faith. Duke reveals the struggles endured by a person with a Traumatic Brain Injury and how the laws designed to protect and assist TBI survivors can be ignored by the very institutions that should have a willingness to educate and train. As Duke chronicles his life from the time of the injury through his struggles to graduate from the University of
Missouri, the reader is introduced to a young man of great promise and potential whose life
was changed on a Missouri highway when he was severely injured and, by all medical probabilities, should have died. Duke's miraculous story is one of inspiration and hope to all people who sometimes struggle and question if God is there. His story is proof of the miraculous healing power of God and how God's grace, mercy, and love can overcome even the most doubting expectations of man. As you read Duke s story, I hope you are moved to
have more compassion and understanding for those who suffer a life altering disability, but
most importantly, I hope Duke's story challenges each reader to come to a saving knowledge
in our Savior Jesus Christ.

Ronald D. Michael
Esquire and Lay Pastor
Booneville, MS
Duke s Friend and Brother in Christ

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