Zabac i njegov Biser

Zabac i njegov Biser

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Da li znate koliko ste vredni Isusu?

Inspirisani Matejem 13:45-46 (Dragocjeni biser) nasa namera je da ilustrujemo deci koliko su vredni u Bozjim očima.

Pridruzite se Zabu na nezaboravnom i avanturističkom putovanju, dok on kreće u potragu da pronađe svoju najdrazu imovinu. Od planinskih vrhova do pustinjskog peska i sve do dubine okeana - nijedno mesto nije predaleko da se pronađe ono sto je izgubio.

Zabino putovanje lepo ilustruje sta je Isus uzeo na sebe da nas pronađe.

Ispunjena zivopisnim i zivim ilustracijama, ova knjiga ce skrenuti paznju dece i uvesti ce u sadrzajne i duboke razgovore o Isusovoj zrtvi za nas i ceo svet.

Do you know how valuable you are to Jesus?

Inspired by Matthew 13:45-46 (Pearl of Great Price) our intention is to illustrate to children how valuable they are in God's eyes.

Join Frog on an unforgettable and adventurous journey, as he embarks on a quest to find his dearest possession. From mountain tops to the desert sands and all the way down to the depth of the ocean - no place is too far to find what he had lost.

Frog's journey illustrates beautifully what Jesus took upon Himself to find us.

Filled with colorful and lively illustrations, this book will draw the children's attention and will usher in meaningful and deep conversations about Jesus' sacrifice for us and the whole world.

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