A pocket reference guide including 101 Spanish verbs, organized alphabetically and divided into sections based on irregular, impersonal, reflexive, and regular verb categories. You will see proper verb conugations, past tenses, and gerund forms (think -ing words), as well as the associated pronouns for each verb category. I created this pocket guide for my own language learning journey, because I was unalbe to find a useful way to quickly reference verbs that I was struggling with in the moment. I hope this guide helps you in your own Spanish language larning efforts.
A pocket reference guide including 101 Spanish verbs, organized alphabetically and divided into sections based on irregular, impersonal, reflexive, and regular verb categories. You will see proper verb conugations, past tenses, and gerund forms (think -ing words), as well as the associated pronouns for each verb category. I created this pocket guide for my own language learning journey, because I was unalbe to find a useful way to quickly reference verbs that I was struggling with in the moment. I hope this guide helps you in your own Spanish language larning efforts.