Y Si Lo Probamos ?

Y Si Lo Probamos ?

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Una novela romntico-ertica que te har ver que lo que es para ti, aunque te apartes, y lo que no es para ti, aunque te pongas.


Me llamo Vernica Jimnez, tengo treinta y ocho aos y soy una mujer independiente, trabajadora, autnoma y, segn dicen quienes me conocen, bastante cabezota y controladora. Vale, lo confieso, lo soy. Pero acaso hay alguien perfecto?

Yo era de las que crea en princesas y prncipes, hasta que el mo se convirti en un sapo y decid que el romanticismo no era para m. As que para horror de quienes me rodean, me impuse tres reglas para disfrutar del sexo sin compromiso.

La primera: no enrollarme nunca con hombres casados. Soy de las que respetan y jams hago nada que no me gustara que me hicieran a m.

La segunda: el trabajo y la diversin nunca han de mezclarse. No no. Ni loca!

Y la tercera, pero no por ello menos importante: siempre con hombres menores de treinta aos. Por qu? Pues porque s que ellos van a lo mismo que voy yo: a disfrutar!

Te aseguro que hasta el momento estas normas me han dado muy buenos resultados. Sin embargo, en uno de mis viajes de trabajo he conocido a Nam Acosta, un hombre de unos cuarenta, seguro de s mismo, atractivo, sexy y tremendamente romntico, que me est volviendo loca.

Es verlo y el corazn se me acelera. Es or su voz y toda yo me acaloro. Es pensar en l y noto que en mi estmago corren elefantes en estampida. S que somos muy diferentes, pero los polos opuestos se atraen, y nosotros no paramos de chocar, y probar y... y... y...

Bueno, mejor me callo, dejo que leas y cuando termines ya me dirs si t habras probado... O no?


A romantic-erotic novel that will make you see what is for you, even if you step aside, and what is not for you, even if you put yourself on.


My name is Vernica Jimnez, I am thirty-eight years old and I am an independent, hardworking, autonomous woman and, according to those who know me, quite stubborn and controlling. Okay, I confess, I am. But is there anyone perfect?

I was one of those who believed in princesses and princes, until mine became a toad and I decided that romanticism was not for me. So to the horror of those around me, I set myself three rules to enjoy sex without commitment.

The first: never hook up with married men. I am one of those who respect and I never do anything that I would not like to be done to me.

The second: work and play must never mix. Oh, no. Not crazy!

And the third, but not least: always with men under thirty years of age. Why? Well, because I know that they are going to do the same thing that I am going to: to enjoy!

I assure you that so far these rules have given me very good results. However, on one of my work trips I met Nam Acosta, a man in his forties, self-confident, attractive, sexy and tremendously romantic, who is driving me crazy.

It's seeing it and my heart races. It's hearing his voice and I get all of it. It's thinking about him and I notice that elephants are stampeding in my stomach. I know we're very different, but opposites attract, and we don't stop bumping, and trying and... and... and...

Well, I'd better shut up, let you read and when you're done you'll tell me if you'd have tried... Or not?

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