Y Los ngeles Guardaron Silencio: La ltima Semana de Jess: La ltima Semana de Jess

Y Los ngeles Guardaron Silencio: La ltima Semana de Jess: La ltima Semana de Jess

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Se puede saber mucho de una persona por la forma en que muere.

Cuando Jess entr en sus ltimos das en la tierra y se enfrent al Glgota, actu con un propsito amoroso y una intencin deliberada. Calcul cada paso. Medit cada acto. Sabiendo que solo le quedaba una semana con sus discpulos, qu les dijo Jess? A dnde fue? Qu hizo? Qu le importaba de veras en esas ltimas horas?

Y los ngeles guardaron silencio nos permite tener una visin ntima y reveladora de la ltima semana de nuestro Salvador. Si bien es comprensible que estemos preocupados por los desafos de un mundo inestable y cambiante, es importante volver la mirada hacia Aquel que no cambia y que no dud en llevar a cabo su obra redentora. Con este fin, Max Lucado nos muestra el camino en este gran libro, y nos permite adentrarnos de forma sencilla y novedosa en el amor real de Jess y el Padre.

You can tell a lot about a person by the way he dies.

When Jesus entered his last days on earth and faced Golgotha, he acted with loving purpose and deliberate intention. He calculated each step. He pondered every act. Knowing that he only had one week left with his disciples, what did Jesus tell them? Where did he go? What did he do? What did it really matter to him in those last hours?

And the angels were silent allows us to have an intimate and revealing vision of the last week of our Savior. While it is understandable that we are concerned about the challenges of an unstable and changing world, it is important to turn our gaze to the One who does not change and who did not hesitate to carry out his redemptive work. To this end, Max Lucado shows us the way in this great book, and allows us to enter in a simple and novel way into the very real love of Jesus and the Father.

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