Un libro con vocabulario para estudiantes de primer ao de espaol. Est separado por temas, cada uno de ellos con vocabulario, verbos y expresiones adaptadas al tema tratado. COMIDAS Y BEBIDAS, TRANSPORTES, COLORES, FAMILIA, NMEROS, EN CASA, EN CLASE, FIESTAS, TECNOLOGA, CLIMA, DEPORTES, PROFESIONES Y MUCHOS MS. El libro contiene ejercicios de vocabulario para principiantes, textos, canciones, juegos, audios y una gran cantidad de materiales interactivos online. Para estudiantes autodidactas, como material complementario para las clases o para profesores. "Vocabulario espaol A1" es un diccionario ilustrado con cientos de imgenes que permitir a los alumnos consolidar su nivel A1 de espaol.
A book with vocabulary for Spanish students. It is separated by topics, each one with vocabulary, verbs and expressions adapted to the topic. MEALS AND BEVERAGES, TRANSPORTS, COLORS, FAMILY, NUMBERS, AT HOME, IN CLASS, HOLIDAYS, TECHNOLOGY, CLIMATE, SPORTS, PROFESSIONS AND MANY MORE. The book contains vocabulary exercises for beginners, texts, songs, games and a large number of interactive materials online. For self-taught students, as complementary material for classes or for teachers. "Vocabulario espaol A1" is a dictionary illustrated with hundreds of images that will allow students to consolidate their A1 level of Spanish.