Triloga Fuego 1: Ciudades de Humo / Fire Trilogy 1: Cities of Smoke

Triloga Fuego 1: Ciudades de Humo / Fire Trilogy 1: Cities of Smoke

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Lucha por tu libertad!

Enamrate de la obra ms sorprendente de la autora de Antes de diciembre !

Alice nunca ha salido al mundo.

Su cena es a las nueve en punto, su sueo dura exactamente ocho horas, jams tiene una sola arruga en la ropa, parpadea 86400 veces al da, respira 30000 veces al da, solo habla cuando le preguntan, jams ha levantado la voz y, lo ms importante, jams se ha preguntado qu pasara si todo cambiara.

Pero, y si eso ocurriera?

En un mundo donde la libertad est controlada, hasta dnde seras capaz de llegar para recuperarla?

Hasta dnde seras capaz de llegar para sobrevivir?


Fight for your freedom!

Fall in love with the most surprising work of the author of Before December!

Alice has never been out into the world.

Her dinner is at nine o'clock, her sleep lasts exactly eight hours, she never has a single wrinkle in his clothes, she blinks 86400 times a day, she breathes 30,000 times a day, she only speaks when asked, she has never raised his voice and, most importantly, she has never wondered what would happen if everything changed.

But what if that happened?

In a world where freedom is controlled, how far would you go to regain it?

How far would you be able to go to survive?

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