Todo Sobre Tu Pelo Y Tu Piel: Consigue Mejores Resultados Invirtiendo Menos Tiem Po / Everything You Need to Know about Your Hair and Your Skin
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- Qu hace que el pelo se caiga ms o menos?
- Por qu no me crece?
- Con qu frecuencia hay que lavarlo?
- Cmo debo elegir el champ?
- Realmente existen los «tipos de piel ?
- Funcionan las cremas milagro para quitar arrugas?
- Qu necesito para mi rutina de skincare? A menudo, el exceso de informacin a nuestro alrededor nos genera ms problemas de los que nos soluciona, pero, por suerte, la experta en el cuidado de la piel y el cabello, Helena Rodero, acude al rescate con la gua definitiva para conocerte a fondo y entender qu necesitas de verdad para cuidar tu pelo y tu piel y sacarte el mximo partido. Olvdate de las rutinas de cien pasos y de gastar una fortuna en productos que no sabes si funcionarn. Con este libro podrs resolver todas tus dudas, aprenders a interpretar las etiquetas para desenmascarar las grandes mentiras y engaos del marketing cosmtico, y descubrirs el paso a paso para crear tu propia rutina de belleza. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION All the advice you need to understand your hair and skin and learn how best to care for them.
- Why is my hair falling out?
- Why won't it grow?
- How often do I need to wash it?
- What type of shampoo should I use?
- Are different "skin types" a real thing?
- Can miracle creams really smooth my wrinkles?
- What products do I need for my skincare routine? Sometimes, having too much information can create more problems than it solves. Hair and skin expert Helena Rodero comes to the rescue with this definitive guide to explain what you really need to care for these parts of your body and make them shine. Forget complicated routines and spending a fortune on products you aren't sure will work. This book will answer your questions and teach you how to read labels so you can spot deceptive marketing and guide you through the steps to create your own beauty routine.
- Qu hace que el pelo se caiga ms o menos?
- Por qu no me crece?
- Con qu frecuencia hay que lavarlo?
- Cmo debo elegir el champ?
- Realmente existen los «tipos de piel ?
- Funcionan las cremas milagro para quitar arrugas?
- Qu necesito para mi rutina de skincare? A menudo, el exceso de informacin a nuestro alrededor nos genera ms problemas de los que nos soluciona, pero, por suerte, la experta en el cuidado de la piel y el cabello, Helena Rodero, acude al rescate con la gua definitiva para conocerte a fondo y entender qu necesitas de verdad para cuidar tu pelo y tu piel y sacarte el mximo partido. Olvdate de las rutinas de cien pasos y de gastar una fortuna en productos que no sabes si funcionarn. Con este libro podrs resolver todas tus dudas, aprenders a interpretar las etiquetas para desenmascarar las grandes mentiras y engaos del marketing cosmtico, y descubrirs el paso a paso para crear tu propia rutina de belleza. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION All the advice you need to understand your hair and skin and learn how best to care for them.
- Why is my hair falling out?
- Why won't it grow?
- How often do I need to wash it?
- What type of shampoo should I use?
- Are different "skin types" a real thing?
- Can miracle creams really smooth my wrinkles?
- What products do I need for my skincare routine? Sometimes, having too much information can create more problems than it solves. Hair and skin expert Helena Rodero comes to the rescue with this definitive guide to explain what you really need to care for these parts of your body and make them shine. Forget complicated routines and spending a fortune on products you aren't sure will work. This book will answer your questions and teach you how to read labels so you can spot deceptive marketing and guide you through the steps to create your own beauty routine.