Tiras Cmicas - OT El Brujo 3

Tiras Cmicas - OT El Brujo 3

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Adntrate en el disparatado y simptico mundo de Ot el brujo y disfruta de sus tiras cmicas ms famosas en espaol, publicadas consecutivamente durante ms de 40 aos! En esta nueva edicin de las tiras cmicas clsicas de Ot el brujo, recomendada para todas las edades, tambin aprenders a hacer un truco de magia y una manualidad chulsima. Este es el tercer libro de la coleccin, as que encontraras las actividades ms complejas. La dificultad aumenta progresivamente en los libros de la coleccin. El humor suave y sutil de Ot te har desternillarte de risa. Es imposible no amar a Ot el brujo, que ha enamorado a varias generaciones con sus brillantes y alocadas ocurrencias. Sintate, reljate y disfruta del mundo cmico de Ot el brujo. Te enganchar! Ot el brujo es el antdoto contra el aburrimiento! No es fcil encontrar a un artista que haya marcado la infancia de tantos nios como Picanyol. Su creatividad y trabajo, laborioso y constante, han contribuido a que varias generaciones crezcan leyendo sus narraciones, siempre acompaadas de sus caractersticas ilustraciones, ingeniosas y llenas de detalles. Su personaje ms famoso es, sin duda, Ot el brujo, que fue publicado durante ms de 40 aos seguidos en una revista infantil, pero Picanyol es muchsimo ms.



Come and see the crazy and amusing world of Ot the Wizard and enjoy its most famous comic strips in Spanish, which were published for more than 40 years in a row!

In this new edition of the classic Ot the Wizard comic strips, recommended for all ages, you will also learn how to do a magic trick, and you will do a super cool arts and crafts activity. This is the third book in the collection, so you will find the most complex activities. The difficulty increases progressively during the collection.

Ot's soft and subtle humor will make you laugh your head off. This wizard is loved by everyone, and he has made a few generations fall in love with his bright and crazy ideas. Sit down, relax and enjoy Ot the Wizard's comical world. You will be hooked! Ot the Wizard is the cure for boredom!

It is not easy to come across an artist that has made such an impact on so many people's childhoods as Picanyol has. Thanks to his hard work, his creativity and his perseverance, many generations have grown up by reading his stories, always accompanied by his characteristic and witty illustrations full of detail. His most well-known character is, without a doubt, Ot the Wizard, that he published for more than 40 years in a row in a children's magazine for his fans' enjoyment: grandparents, parents, and children.


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