Tirarse a la Piscina: Dejar de Evitar Y Empezar a Vivir / Jump Into the Water
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La gua definitiva contra la evitacin. Hay muchas cosas que evitas hacer? Es porque crees que habr un momento mejor para cumplir esas tareas o es el miedo a equivocarte, a la frustracin, lo que te lo impide? La evitacin es un fenmeno que va desde posponer el momento de pedir un aumento de sueldo o de comenzar a hacer ejercicio hasta resistirse a formalizar una relacin o, en casos extremos, negarse a estudiar, trabajar o independizarse. Para la reconocida terapeuta Anabella Shaked, si no le ponemos freno a tiempo, nuestra vida puede convertirse en un cmulo de decepciones que atente directamente contra nuestra autoestima. Tirarse a la piscina es un libro prctico que, desde la primera pgina, acercar al lector los mecanismos internos de la evitacin, para que pueda desmontarlos uno a uno y as conseguir las herramientas necesarias para enfrentar nuevos desafos, lograr sus objetivos y cumplir sus sueos. Tal y como defiende la autora, todos poseemos una capacidad de eleccin intrnseca que, si sabemos cmo gestionarla, nos permitir llevar una vida satisfactoria y plena de sentido. Solo hay que dar el primer paso y tirarse a la piscina. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A revolutionary book to help you overcome your fears and finally achieve your goals.
The ultimate guide against avoidance. Are there many things that you avoid doing? Have you asked yourself if it's because you believe there will be a better time to accomplish those tasks, or is it due to a fear of making a mistake, or frustration, that stops you? Avoidance is a phenomenon that ranges from postponing asking for a raise, or start exercising, to hesitating to settle down in a relationship or, in extreme cases, refusing to study, work, or become independent. Renowned therapist Anabella Shaked belives that if we don't put a stop to it in time, our life can become a pile of disappointments that directly undermine our self-esteem. Dive into the Pool is a practical book that, from the very first page, will bring the reader closer to their internal mechanisms of avoidance so that they can dismantle them one by one and thus acquire the necessary tools to face new challenges, achieve their goals, and fulfill their dreams. As the author argues, we all possess an intrinsic capacity for choice that, if we know how to manage it, will help us lead a satisfying and meaningful life. All you have to do is take the first step and dive into the pool.
La gua definitiva contra la evitacin. Hay muchas cosas que evitas hacer? Es porque crees que habr un momento mejor para cumplir esas tareas o es el miedo a equivocarte, a la frustracin, lo que te lo impide? La evitacin es un fenmeno que va desde posponer el momento de pedir un aumento de sueldo o de comenzar a hacer ejercicio hasta resistirse a formalizar una relacin o, en casos extremos, negarse a estudiar, trabajar o independizarse. Para la reconocida terapeuta Anabella Shaked, si no le ponemos freno a tiempo, nuestra vida puede convertirse en un cmulo de decepciones que atente directamente contra nuestra autoestima. Tirarse a la piscina es un libro prctico que, desde la primera pgina, acercar al lector los mecanismos internos de la evitacin, para que pueda desmontarlos uno a uno y as conseguir las herramientas necesarias para enfrentar nuevos desafos, lograr sus objetivos y cumplir sus sueos. Tal y como defiende la autora, todos poseemos una capacidad de eleccin intrnseca que, si sabemos cmo gestionarla, nos permitir llevar una vida satisfactoria y plena de sentido. Solo hay que dar el primer paso y tirarse a la piscina. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A revolutionary book to help you overcome your fears and finally achieve your goals.
The ultimate guide against avoidance. Are there many things that you avoid doing? Have you asked yourself if it's because you believe there will be a better time to accomplish those tasks, or is it due to a fear of making a mistake, or frustration, that stops you? Avoidance is a phenomenon that ranges from postponing asking for a raise, or start exercising, to hesitating to settle down in a relationship or, in extreme cases, refusing to study, work, or become independent. Renowned therapist Anabella Shaked belives that if we don't put a stop to it in time, our life can become a pile of disappointments that directly undermine our self-esteem. Dive into the Pool is a practical book that, from the very first page, will bring the reader closer to their internal mechanisms of avoidance so that they can dismantle them one by one and thus acquire the necessary tools to face new challenges, achieve their goals, and fulfill their dreams. As the author argues, we all possess an intrinsic capacity for choice that, if we know how to manage it, will help us lead a satisfying and meaningful life. All you have to do is take the first step and dive into the pool.