Los Tipos Malos En El Conejillo Contraataca (the Bad Guys in the Furball Strikes Back): Volume 3

Los Tipos Malos En El Conejillo Contraataca (the Bad Guys in the Furball Strikes Back): Volume 3

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In this hilarious illustrated chapter book series, bad guys are doing good deeds . . . whether you want them to or not!

The Bad Guys are about to have a very BAD day! A hilarious book in Spanish!Mr. Wolf and his bad buddies have messed with the wrong guinea pig -- one who is secretly an evil mad scientist. And the nasty little furball wants revenge! Will they survive? Will they be heroes? And will they ever stop trying to eat each other?!? It's time for the Bad Guys to spring into action! Los chicos malos estn a punto de tener un MAL da en este divertido libro en espaol!El Sr. Lobo y sus amigos se han metido con el conejillo de indias equivocado, uno que secretamente es un malvado cientfico loco! Y el pequeo y desagradable animalito quiere venganza! Sobrevivirn los amigos? Llegarn a ser hroes? Y alguna vez dejarn de intentar comerse el uno al otro?! Es hora de que los chicos malos entren en accin!
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