El Tiempo de Las Moscas / The Time of the Flies

El Tiempo de Las Moscas / The Time of the Flies

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«Mujeres estafadas por un hombre hay muchas, pero repudiadas tanto por la madre como por la hija, no tantas.

Ins sale en libertad, despus de quince aos presa por haber asesinado a Charo, la amante de su ex marido. Su vida ha cambiado, pero as tambin la sociedad: el avance del feminismo, las leyes de matrimonio igualitario y del aborto, el lenguaje inclusivo. Ins, una ama de casa tradicional y a quien la maternidad no le result algo feliz, entiende que debe ser prctica y adaptarse. Aunque le cueste.

Se asocia con la nica amiga que hizo dentro de la crcel, la Manca, y ponen una empresa doble: ella se ocupa de hacer fumigaciones y su socia de investigar como detective privada. Como unas Thelma y Louise del conurbano, Ins y la Manca enfrentan situaciones complejas de su nueva realidad, con el deseo de reinventarse.

Hasta que una de las clientas de Ins, la Seora Bonar, le propone un intercambio muy inquietante; como salida de las tinieblas del pasado, la propuesta puede inclinar la balanza peligrosamente hacia el lado desfavorable. Pero tambin puede cambiarles la vida.

El tiempo de las moscas es la nueva y esperada novela de Claudia Pieiro, que retoma la historia de Ins, la recordada protagonista de Tuya, en un relato de coraje y amistad que nos retrata cabalmente como sociedad.


"Many women have been conned by a man but rejected by her mother and her daughter at the same time, not so many."

Ins is released after fifteen years in prison for murdering Charo, the lover of her ex-husband. Her life has changed, but so has the society with the progress of feminism, the laws for equal marriage and abortion, and the use of inclusive language. Now Ins, a traditional housewife for whom motherhood was not a happy experience, understands that she must be practical and that has to adapt. Even if it costs her.

She associates with La Manca, the only friend she made inside the prison, and they set up a double company where she carries out fumigations while her partner investigates as a private detective. Like Thelma and Louise from the suburbs, Ins and La Manca face complex situations as part of their new reality but with the desire to reinvent themselves.

One day, Mrs. Bonar, one of Ins's clients, proposes a very disturbing exchange, a way out of the darkness of the past. The proposal can tilt the balance dangerously to the wrong side, but it can also change their lives.

The Time of the Flies is the new and long-awaited novel by Claudia Pieiro, which continues the story of Ins, the remembered protagonist of Tuya, in a tale of courage and friendship that fully portrays us as a society.

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