El Tesoro de David III: La Revelacin Escritural a la Luz de Los Salmos

El Tesoro de David III: La Revelacin Escritural a la Luz de Los Salmos

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El gran predicador y expositor bblico C. H. Spurgeon dedic buena parte de su vida a completar su magnum opus, un macrocomentario al libro de lo salmos que titul "El Tesoro de David". Su valor radica en que Spurgeon no tan solo aporta en el mismo su propia exposicin versculo por versculo de cada salmo, sino incluye los mejores comentarios sobre cada versculo por los Padres de la Iglesia, Reformadores y, demanera especial, los autores puritanos, hasta llegar a los comentaristas contemporneos suyos. Es decir, en El Tesoro de David Spurgeon seleccion bajo su criterio los mejores extractos de renombrados comentaristas sobre cada salmo desde el Siglo II hasta finales del Siglo XIX.

En el ao 2015 sali el Volumen I de esta obra extraordinaria, y ahora el Volumen III,

El gran valor aadido es la extraordinaria y amplia estructura de la obra:

  • Ms de 18.000 exposiciones a los Salmos.
  • Ms de 1650 expositores y comentaristas.
  • Ms de 20.000 referencias bblicas enlazadas
  • Ms de 500 personajes histricos citados.
  • Cometarios de los Padres de la Iglesia.
  • 7 versiones de la Biblia en espaol.
  • Versin potica de cada Salmo.
  • Texto hebreo y texto de la Septuaginta.
  • Vulgata, Biblia de Ferrara, y Peshitta.
  • Notas filolgicas y exegticas.
  • Notas histricas y explicativas.
  • ndice de expositores y comentaristas.
  • ndice de personajes histricos citados.
  • ndice de textos bblicos conectados.
  • ndice analtico: +200 temas y +6000 entradas.

The Treasury of David III

The great preacher and biblical expository preacher C. H. Spurgeon devoted a good part of his life to completing his magnum opus, a macro-commentary on the book of Psalms he titled "The Treasure of David." Its value lies in the fact that Spurgeon not only brings in it his own exposition verse by verse of each psalm, but also includes the best comments on each verse by the Church Fathers, Reformers, and, especially, the Puritan authors; even reaching his contemporary commentators. That is, in The Treasure of David, Spurgeon selected the best excerpts from renowned commentators on each psalm from the second century until the end of the 19th century.

The full text of the original work of C. H. Spurgeon is translated into a language that maintains its literary beauty, but also in a current and affordable language to the forms of communication of today's society. Above scientific rigor, dynamic translation has been prioritized.

As if Spurgeon and other authors preached today from a pulpit in the Spanish language: elegant, cultured, poetic, resounding, shocking, but at the same time understandable.

The great added value is the extraordinary and wide structure of the work:

  • More than 18,000 exposures to the Psalms.
  • More than 1650 exhibitors and commentators.
  • More than 20,000 linked Biblical references
  • More than 500 cited historical figures.
  • Comments from the Fathers of the Church.
  • 7 versions of the Bible in Spanish.
  • Poetic version of each Psalm.
  • Hebrew text and Septuagint text.
  • Vulgate, Ferrara Bible, and Peshitta.
  • Philological and exegetical notes.
  • Historical and explanatory notes.
  • Index of exhibitors and commentators.
  • Index of cited historical figures.
  • Index of connected biblical texts.
  • Analytical index: +200 topics and +6000 entries.
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