El Tesoro de David I: La Revelacin Escritural a la Luz de Los Salmos

El Tesoro de David I: La Revelacin Escritural a la Luz de Los Salmos

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El gran predicador y expositor bblico C. H. Spurgeon dedic buena parte de su vida a completar su "opus magna". Un gran comentario al libro de lo salmos que titul El Tesoro de David.

Spurgeon expone versculo a versculo cada salmo y selecciona los mejores comentarios -sobre cada uno de ellos- por los Padres de la Iglesia, los Reformadores, los autores Puritanos, as como los comentaristas contemporneos de su poca.


C. H. Spurgeon, the great preacher and Bible expounder, dedicated a large part of his life to the completion of his "opus magnum". It was a large Commentary to the Book of Psalms, to which he gave the title of "The Treasury of David".

In it, Spurgeon comments each and every Psalm, verse after verse, and chooses the best commentaries on each one of them, from the Church Fathers, the Reformers, the Puritan writers and the writers of Commentaries in his own times.

The whole work will be available in Spanish in the form of two large volumes: The First volume will be formed with the 61 most familiar and important Psalms; the Second volume will gather the rest of the Psalms, thus completing the work.

The Treasury of David puts together the best of everything that has been said and written on each and every Psalm since the Second Century until the end of the 19th Century.

La obra al completo estar disponible en espaol en dos grandes tomos: el primero, lo formar los 61 salmos ms conocidos e importantes; el segundo abarcar el resto de salmos, completando as la obra.
El Tesoro de David, recopila lo mejor que se ha dicho y escrito sobre cada Salmo desde el Siglo II hasta finales del Siglo XIX.

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