Te Necesita Aunque No Lo Parezca / They Need You, Even If It Doesnt Seem Like It

Te Necesita Aunque No Lo Parezca / They Need You, Even If It Doesnt Seem Like It

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Aumenta y refuerza tus recursos mientras acompaas a las personas adolescentes de tu vida en el emocionante camino de convertirse en ellas mismas.

La vida de las personas adolescentes est llena de situaciones y momentos que nos sacan de quicio; la mayora de esas circunstancias tienen que ver con la necesidad de encontrar un sentido a su vida, de alzar la voz y que se las reconozca y acepte como personas singulares. Buscan sin cesar nuevas experiencias para crear una definicin de s mismas que les permita encajar en el mundo y llegar a la vida adulta sabiendo cul es su lugar. En ese proceso de desarrollo del autoconcepto, la autoestima y la identidad, es primordial que sientan el apoyo de quienes ms les importan. Y para eso las personas que las rodean tienen una misin importante: darles espacio, estimularlas y sostenerlas.

Acompaar a adolescentes a descubrirse y construir su identidad no es tarea sencilla y tu papel es esencial. En este libro aprenders pautas prcticas para cuando no sepas cmo actuar; encontrars consejos sencillos y efectivos para que las personas adolescentes de tu vida aumenten su autoestima y la confianza en ellas mismas de forma progresiva, y entenders el importante papel de sus amistades y cmo afecta el malestar emocional en su desarrollo. Aunque no siempre comprendas lo que hacen, podrs aprovechar el potencial de esa etapa y disfrutar de ella aprendiendo a darles lo que necesitan: comprensin y seguridad.


Increase and strengthen your resources for accompanying the teenagers in your life on their exciting path to becoming themselves.

The life of any teenager is full of situations and moments that drive us crazy. Most of these circumstances have to do with their need to find meaning in their lives, raise their voices, and be recognized and accepted as an individual. They constantly seek new experiences to create a definition of themselves that allows them to fit into the world and enter adulthood knowing their place. In this process of developing a self-image, self-esteem, and identity, it is essential that they feel the support of those who matter most to them. For that, the people around them have an important mission: give them space, stimulate them, and support them.

Accompanying teenagers to discover themselves and build their identity is not an easy task. That is why your role is essential. In this book, you will learn practical guidelines for when you don't know how to act around them. You will also find simple and effective tips for increasing their self-esteem and self-confidence progressively; and you will understand the important role their friends play and how emotional discomfort affects their development. Even if you don't always understand what they're going through, you can take advantage of the potential of that stage and enjoy it by learning to give them what they need: understanding and security.

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