Sin Eleccin / Hostage

Sin Eleccin / Hostage

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La autora de Te estoy viendo, Te dej ir y Si te miento, vuelve con un thriller psicolgico de lectura compulsiva que plantea un dilema emocional en un escenario claustrofbico.


Reina la exaltacin en el primer vuelo sin escalas de Londres a Sdney. Se rumorea que en primera clase viajan algunos famosos, as que todo el mundo est pendiente del acontecimiento ms importante en la historia de la aviacin.

Mina, una de las azafatas, trata de concentrarse en el trabajo para olvidar sus problemas personales. De pronto uno de los pasajeros sufre un ataque al corazn y muere. En la cartera del fallecido Mina encuentra una fotografa de su hija de cinco aos, Sophie, y parece hecha esa misma maana en la puerta de la escuela.

Entretanto, en su casa, su marido Adam cree que sus superiores de la polica estn a punto de descubrir su secreto.

Sin eleccin
es un thriller palpitante en todos los sentidos: vibrante, intenso, candente y actual.


"An utterly riveting read with so many jaw-dropping twists and turns you won't dare unfasten your seatbelt."―Lucy Foley

You can save hundreds of lives. Or the one that matters most...

"Mackintosh is a pro...the final scene in the book almost made me sick as I read it. I mean that as a compliment of the highest order."―The New York Times

From New York Times bestselling author Clare Mackintosh comes a claustrophobic thriller set over 20 hours on-board the inaugural nonstop flight from London to Sydney.

Mina is trying to focus on her job as a flight attendant, not the problems with her five-year-old daughter back home, or the fissures in her marriage. But the plane has barely taken off when Mina receives a chilling note from an anonymous passenger, someone intent on ensuring the plane never reaches its destination: "The following instructions will save your daughter's life..."

Someone needs Mina's assistance and knows exactly how to make her comply.

When one passenger is killed and then another, Mina knows she must act. But which lives does she save: Her passengers...or her own daughter and husband who are in grave distress back at home?

It's twenty hours to landing. A lot can happen in twenty hours.

For fans of the locked-room mystery of One by One and the heart-stopping tension The Last Flight, Hostage is an explosively addictive thriller about one flight attendant and the agonizing decision that will change her life―and the lives of everyone on-board―forever.

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