![El Silencio de la Noche / Silence at Night](https://img.discountmags.com/products/extras/books/9788425364303_5c14faf.jpg)
Una testigo afirma haber visto a un hombre subirse al automvil.
Era su pareja? Un desconocido? O tal vez el asesino?
Un misterio sofisticado, amenazante y lleno de giros de Charlotte Link,
la reina del suspense europeo.
Scarborough, 2010. Un adolescente obeso, Alvin Malory, es vctima de una agresin terrible que lo deja postrado en coma vegetativo. Un caso sin resolver en la carrera de Caleb Hale. Casi diez aos despus, Anna Carter ve cmo un desconocido detiene el vehculo que conduce una mujer y se monta en l. A Anna la escena le parece extraa e intenta, sin xito, llamar la atencin de la conductora. Anna est cansada y hace fro, as que finalmente decide marcharse. Al da siguiente, el coche aparece aparcado en un pequeo camino con el cadver de la chica acribillado a pualadas en su interior. Cuando Anna descubre el fatal desenlace de la escena que presenci el da anterior, no se atreve a contar lo que vio por temor a verse implicada en un caso criminal. La polica encuentra en el coche unas huellas dactilares coincidentes con otras halladas en el lugar donde se produjo la brutal agresin a Alvin Malory, pero no parece haber ningn nexo de unin entre este y la fallecida. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A woman turns up dead in her car.
A witness claims to have seen a man get in the automobile.
He was her partner? A stranger? Or the killer perhaps?
Full of twists, a sophisticated and menacing mystery by Charlotte Link, the queen of European suspense.
Scarborough, 2010. An obese teenager, Alvin Malory, is victim of a terrible assault that leaves him in a vegetative coma. An unsolved case in Caleb Hale's career. Almost ten years later, Anna Carter watches a stranger stop a vehicle driven by a woman and hop in. Anna finds the scene odd and tries, unsuccessfully, to get the driver's attention. Anna is tired and cold, so she ultimately decides to leave. The following day, the car appears parked in a narrow road, the girl's dead body inside, riddled with stab wounds. When Anna learns of the fatal outcome of the event she had witnessed the day before, she cannot bring herself to speak of what she saw for fear of implicating herself in a criminal case. Inside the car, the police find a set of fingerprints that match those found at the scene of Alvin Malory's brutal attack, but there seems to be nothing connecting him to the deceased woman.
Una testigo afirma haber visto a un hombre subirse al automvil.
Era su pareja? Un desconocido? O tal vez el asesino?
Un misterio sofisticado, amenazante y lleno de giros de Charlotte Link,
la reina del suspense europeo.
Scarborough, 2010. Un adolescente obeso, Alvin Malory, es vctima de una agresin terrible que lo deja postrado en coma vegetativo. Un caso sin resolver en la carrera de Caleb Hale. Casi diez aos despus, Anna Carter ve cmo un desconocido detiene el vehculo que conduce una mujer y se monta en l. A Anna la escena le parece extraa e intenta, sin xito, llamar la atencin de la conductora. Anna est cansada y hace fro, as que finalmente decide marcharse. Al da siguiente, el coche aparece aparcado en un pequeo camino con el cadver de la chica acribillado a pualadas en su interior. Cuando Anna descubre el fatal desenlace de la escena que presenci el da anterior, no se atreve a contar lo que vio por temor a verse implicada en un caso criminal. La polica encuentra en el coche unas huellas dactilares coincidentes con otras halladas en el lugar donde se produjo la brutal agresin a Alvin Malory, pero no parece haber ningn nexo de unin entre este y la fallecida. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A woman turns up dead in her car.
A witness claims to have seen a man get in the automobile.
He was her partner? A stranger? Or the killer perhaps?
Full of twists, a sophisticated and menacing mystery by Charlotte Link, the queen of European suspense.
Scarborough, 2010. An obese teenager, Alvin Malory, is victim of a terrible assault that leaves him in a vegetative coma. An unsolved case in Caleb Hale's career. Almost ten years later, Anna Carter watches a stranger stop a vehicle driven by a woman and hop in. Anna finds the scene odd and tries, unsuccessfully, to get the driver's attention. Anna is tired and cold, so she ultimately decides to leave. The following day, the car appears parked in a narrow road, the girl's dead body inside, riddled with stab wounds. When Anna learns of the fatal outcome of the event she had witnessed the day before, she cannot bring herself to speak of what she saw for fear of implicating herself in a criminal case. Inside the car, the police find a set of fingerprints that match those found at the scene of Alvin Malory's brutal attack, but there seems to be nothing connecting him to the deceased woman.