El Poder del Pensamiento Flexible / The Power of Flexible Thinking

El Poder del Pensamiento Flexible / The Power of Flexible Thinking

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De una mente rgida a una mente libre y abierta al cambio

La fuerza del pensamiento flexible radica en que nos permite inventarnos a nosotros mismos y fluir con los eventos de la vida sin lastimar ni lastimarse. Por el contrario, la rigidez psicolgica enferma, genera sufrimiento (estrs, depresin, ansiedad, hostilidad) y promueve una violencia individual y social significativa. Si decides aferrarte a tus dogmas de manera irracional, tendrs una vida empobrecida y dolorosa.

La mente flexible fortalece el "yo", acta como un factor de proteccin contra las enfermedades psicolgicas, genera bienestar y mejores relaciones interpersonales, y nos acerca a una vida ms tranquila y feliz. Si decides ser flexible, te quitars un enorme peso de encima al ver que nada est predeterminado y que puedes ser el ltimo juez de tu propia conducta.


From a rigid mind to a free mind open to change

The strength of flexible thinking is that it allows us to invent ourselves and flow with life's events without hurting or hurting yourself. On the contrary, psychological rigidity makes people sick, generates suffering (stress, depression, anxiety, hostility) and promotes significant individual and social violence. If you decide to cling to your dogmas irrationally, you will have an impoverished and painful life.

The Flexible Mind Strengthens the "Self", it acts as a protective factor against psychological diseases, generates well-being and better interpersonal relationships, and brings us closer to a calmer and happier life. If you choose to be flexible, you will take a huge weight off your shoulders by seeing that nothing is predetermined and that you can be the ultimate judge of your own behavior.

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