Cuando el escocs James Matthew Barrie escribi Peter Pan ya era un reputado dramaturgo, pero no poda prever que su nueva obra se convertira en un clsico de la literatura. Su vida adulta estuvo profundamente marcada por su idealizacin del mundo de la infancia, que lo llev a crear los inolvidables personajes de Peter Pan, Wendy, Campanilla y el capitn Garfio. Todos ellos nos recuerdan al nio que fuimos y al adulto que a veces no queremos ser. Y es que, en el fondo, nuestras vidas son un eterno retorno al Pas de Nunca Jams

When the Scotsman James Matthew Barrie wrote Peter Pan, he was already a renowned playwright, but he could not foresee that his new play would become a classic in literature. His adult life was deeply marked by his idealization of the world of childhood, which led him to create the unforgettable characters of Peter Pan, Wendy, Tinker Bell, and Captain Hook. They all remind us of the child we were and the adult we sometimes don't want to be. And, deep down, our lives are an eternal return to the Never Land

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