Pequeas Rebeldes / Little Rebel Girls

Pequeas Rebeldes / Little Rebel Girls

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Un libro infantil (a partir de 6 aos) que inspira a los jvenes lectores a soar en grande a travs de breves biografas y magnficas ilustraciones de mujeres que han cambiado el mundo.

Cien mujeres que se atravieron a cambiar el mundo. Cien historias de rebelda que inspiran a pensar diferente. Pequeas rebeldes es una invitacin a descubrir, gracias a esta seleccin de biografas, la grandeza que cada nio y cada nia llevan dentro.

T eliges!

Este libro propone distintas rutas de lectura y divertidas actividades para enriquecerlo. Escoge las que ms te gusten y personaliza tu experiencia!


A children's book (6 years and up) that inspires young readers to dream big through brief biographies and gorgeous illustrations of women who have changed the world.

Here are 100 women who had the courage to change the world. 100 stories of rebellion, inspiring you to think outside the box. Pequeas rebeldes is an invitation to discover, through this gorgeous selection of biographies, the greatness within each child.

Proposing different ways to read the book and fun activities to complement the readings, this is a pick-your-own-adventure experience!

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