Las Palabras Que Confiamos Al Viento / The Phone Booth at the Edge of the World

Las Palabras Que Confiamos Al Viento / The Phone Booth at the Edge of the World

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Una novela sobre el duelo y la alegra de vivir que se ha convertido en un fenmeno internacional.

Cuando Yui, una joven de treinta aos, pierde a su madre y a su hija de tres aos en un tsunami, empieza a medir el paso del tiempo a partir de entonces: todo gira alrededor del 11 de marzo de 2011, cuando la ola gigantesca devast Japn y el dolor se apoder de ella. Un da oye hablar de un hombre que tiene una cabina de telfono abandonada en su jardn, adonde las personas acuden desde todos los rincones de Japn para hablar con quienes ya no estn y hallar la paz en el duelo. Pronto, Yui emprende su propio peregrinaje hasta all, pero al levantar el auricular no encuentra las fuerzas para pronunciar una sola palabra. Entonces conoce a Takeshi, un mdico cuya hija de cuatro aos ha dejado de hablar tras la muerte de su madre, y su vida da un vuelco.


The international bestselling novel sold in 21 countries, about grief, mourning, and the joy of survival, inspired by a real phone booth in Japan with its disconnected "wind" phone, a place of pilgrimage and solace since the 2011 tsunami.

When Yui loses both her mother and her daughter in the tsunami, she begins to mark the passage of time from that date onward: Everything is relative to March 11, 2011, the day the tsunami tore Japan apart, and when grief took hold of her life. Yui struggles to continue, alone with her pain.

Then, one day she hears about a man who has an old disused telephone booth in his garden. There, those who have lost loved ones find the strength to speak to them and begin to come to terms with their grief. As news of the phone booth spreads, people travel to it from miles around.

Soon Yui makes her own pilgrimage to the phone booth, too. But once there she cannot bring herself to speak into the receiver. Instead, she finds Takeshi, a bereaved husband whose own daughter has stopped talking in the wake of her mother's death.

Simultaneously heartbreaking and heartwarming, The Phone Booth at the Edge of the World is the signpost pointing to the healing that can come after.

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