Nos Quieren Muertos / They Want Us Dead

Nos Quieren Muertos / They Want Us Dead

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Por el autor de Pasin india, El imperio eres t o A flor de piel, entre otros.

En 2014, tras liderar las mayores manifestaciones de protesta en la historia de Venezuela contra el rgimen de Nicolas Maduro, el joven poltico Leopoldo Lpez se vio enfrentado a la decisin ms difcil de su vida: o abandonaba su pas y segua la lucha desde el extranjero, o permaneca en Caracas hasta que lo detuvieran. Deba elegir entre la libertad, o la crcel. Decidi sacrificar su vida familiar y confortable --y entregarse. Al hacer lo que nadie esperaba, se convirti en hroe.

Escrita con vigoroso pulso narrativo, Javier Moro nos cuenta la historia de un padre de familia que de la noche a la maana se encuentra en una celda por un crimen que no cometi, de una madre que se ve obligada a maquillar la realidad ante sus hijos al tiempo que clama en la ONU y en la Casa Blanca por la liberacin de su marido, de unos padres que no se resignan a que su hijo pierda la vida entre rejas. Y de cmo, poco a poco, el mundo fue conociendo la verdad sobre lo que realmente sucede en Venezuela.


By the author of Pasin india, El imperio eres t or A flor de piel.

In 2014, after leading the largest protest demonstrations in Venezuela's history against the regime of Nicolas Maduro, the young politician Leopoldo Lpez was faced with the most difficult decision of his life: either leave his country and continue the struggle from abroad, or stay in Caracas until he was arrested. He had to choose between freedom or prison. He decided to sacrifice his comfortable family life--and give himself up. By doing what no one expected, he became a hero.

Written with a vigorous narrative pulse, Javier Moro tells us the story of a father who finds himself in a cell overnight for a crime he did not commit, of a mother who is forced to make up reality for her children while crying out at the UN and at the White House for her husband's release. of parents who are not resigned to their son losing his life behind bars. And how, little by little, the world came to know the truth about what is really happening in Venezuela.

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