Por fin un libro que nos habla de la maternidad sin tapujos.
Muchas de nosotras hemos crecido en un modelo tradicional, donde las mujeres criaban y se encargaban de la casa. Pero tambin oamos ya sobre empoderamiento femenino e igualdad de gnero. Y ahora llega la maternidad y te encuentras tratando de equilibrar paales y diplomas, extraescolares y trabajo. De repente, ya no solo puedes adjudicarte el ttulo de madre, sino que ahora tambin eres malabarista en el circo de la vida. Y te enfrentas a la dualidad de querer criar mientras mantienes tu independencia y tu identidad como mujer. Casi nada. Mujeres madres, de Luca Ruz, no es solo un libro: es un espejo en el que todas las madres de hoy pueden mirarse y decir: « Esa soy yo! . Porque, definitivamente, la maternidad moderna es too much. Y no viene mal una gua para ayudarnos a manejarla lo mejor que podamos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Nobody said being a mother was easy.
At last, a book that addresses motherhood openly.
Many of us grew up in a traditional structure, where women raised the children and took care of the house. But we also heard about female empowerment and gender equality. And now comes your own maternity, and you find yourself trying to juggle diapers and degrees, extracurricular activities and your job. All of a sudden, you can't just claim the title of mother, you must be a juggler in the circus of life. And you are faced with the duality of wanting to raise your children while keeping your independence and your identity as a woman. Next to nothing. Women Mothers, by Luca Ruz, is not just a book, but a mirror in which all mothers today can see their reflection and say: "That's me!" Because, definitely, modern motherhood is too much. And we could all use a guidebook to help us manage it the best we can.
Por fin un libro que nos habla de la maternidad sin tapujos.
Muchas de nosotras hemos crecido en un modelo tradicional, donde las mujeres criaban y se encargaban de la casa. Pero tambin oamos ya sobre empoderamiento femenino e igualdad de gnero. Y ahora llega la maternidad y te encuentras tratando de equilibrar paales y diplomas, extraescolares y trabajo. De repente, ya no solo puedes adjudicarte el ttulo de madre, sino que ahora tambin eres malabarista en el circo de la vida. Y te enfrentas a la dualidad de querer criar mientras mantienes tu independencia y tu identidad como mujer. Casi nada. Mujeres madres, de Luca Ruz, no es solo un libro: es un espejo en el que todas las madres de hoy pueden mirarse y decir: « Esa soy yo! . Porque, definitivamente, la maternidad moderna es too much. Y no viene mal una gua para ayudarnos a manejarla lo mejor que podamos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Nobody said being a mother was easy.
At last, a book that addresses motherhood openly.
Many of us grew up in a traditional structure, where women raised the children and took care of the house. But we also heard about female empowerment and gender equality. And now comes your own maternity, and you find yourself trying to juggle diapers and degrees, extracurricular activities and your job. All of a sudden, you can't just claim the title of mother, you must be a juggler in the circus of life. And you are faced with the duality of wanting to raise your children while keeping your independence and your identity as a woman. Next to nothing. Women Mothers, by Luca Ruz, is not just a book, but a mirror in which all mothers today can see their reflection and say: "That's me!" Because, definitely, modern motherhood is too much. And we could all use a guidebook to help us manage it the best we can.