Morirs Lejos (Poesa) / You Will Die in a Distant Land (Poems)

Morirs Lejos (Poesa) / You Will Die in a Distant Land (Poems)

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Un legado invaluable que nos invita a seguir leyendo, escribiendo y soando

Desde la ventana de una casa un parque resalta por su pozo y su torre de mampostera. Eme observa al mismo individuo de ayer que est sentado en la misma banca leyendo el mismo peridico. Su identidad es un misterio y objeto de una serie de hiptesis: ser un desempleado, un corruptor de menores, un padre sin hijo, un amante desdeado, un nostlgico que vuelve a su terruo?, un perseguidor?, un criminal de guerra?, o quiz no es sino el producto de la paranoia de un hombre acuciado por una culpa que lo ha mantenido oculto y acechante tras las persianas durante veinte aos...

En Morirs lejos Jos Emilio Pacheco erige una galera de espejos formada por distintos segmentos sostenidos en varias lneas temporales: la destruccin del Templo de Jerusaln, el levantamiento del gueto de Varsovia, el Tercer Reich y un presente que une a dos desconocidos cuya identidad -- quin es la vctima, quin el victimario?-- el lector tendr que desvelar.


An invaluable legacy that invites us to continue reading, writing and dreaming

From the window of a house, a park stands out for its well and its masonry tower. Eme observes the same individual from yesterday who is sitting on the same bench reading the same newspaper. His identity is a mystery and the subject of a series of hypotheses: is he unemployed, a corrupter of minors, a father without a child, a scorned lover, a nostalgic who returns to his homeland?, a persecutor?, a war criminal?, or perhaps he is nothing more than the product of the paranoia of a man beset by a guilt that has kept him hidden and lurking behind the blinds for twenty years...

In Morirs lejos Jos Emilio Pacheco erects a gallery of mirrors made up of different segments held in various timelines: the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, the uprising of the Warsaw ghetto, the Third Reich and a present that unites two strangers whose identity - who is the victim, who is the perpetrator? - the reader will have to reveal.

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