El Mito de Las Tres Transformaciones / The Myth of Mexico's Three Transformations
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La historia no estudia el pasado, lo construye. Toda historia nacional es una mitologa, y las mitologas sirven para estructurar la mente de un pueblo. La historia ha sido un arma, una herramienta poltica, un discurso psicolgico, y eso es as porque siempre se ha escrito desde el poder para legitimarlo. Hoy se habla de transformaciones en la historia de Mxico: independencia, reforma y revolucin. Todas implicaron guerra, polarizacin y odio; cada una de ellas gener divisin y sembr las semillas de los conflictos posteriores. Para transformar a Mxico, hay que tener un cambio colectivo de mentalidad, y con el bien comn como premisa indispensable para encontrar la paz El mito de las tres transformaciones es un paseo a lo largo de la historia y la psicologa de nosotros mismos para lograr una verdadera transformacin y construir el mejor Mxico posible. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "Those who control the past control the future, and those who control the present control the past." - George Orwell, 1984
History does not study the past, it builds it. Every national history is mythology, and mythologies serve to structure people's minds. History has always been a weapon, a political tool, a psychological speech, and that is because it has always been written by those in power in order to legitimize it. Today there is talk about transformation in Mexico's history: independence, reform, and revolution. They all involved war, polarization, and hatred; each of them generated division and sowed the seeds of subsequent conflicts. But in order to transform Mexico, there must be a collective change of mindset, having the common good as an indispensable premise to achieving peace. The Myth of the Three Transformations is a walk-through history and through our own way of thinking so that we can achieve a true transformation and build the best Mexico possible.
La historia no estudia el pasado, lo construye. Toda historia nacional es una mitologa, y las mitologas sirven para estructurar la mente de un pueblo. La historia ha sido un arma, una herramienta poltica, un discurso psicolgico, y eso es as porque siempre se ha escrito desde el poder para legitimarlo. Hoy se habla de transformaciones en la historia de Mxico: independencia, reforma y revolucin. Todas implicaron guerra, polarizacin y odio; cada una de ellas gener divisin y sembr las semillas de los conflictos posteriores. Para transformar a Mxico, hay que tener un cambio colectivo de mentalidad, y con el bien comn como premisa indispensable para encontrar la paz El mito de las tres transformaciones es un paseo a lo largo de la historia y la psicologa de nosotros mismos para lograr una verdadera transformacin y construir el mejor Mxico posible. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "Those who control the past control the future, and those who control the present control the past." - George Orwell, 1984
History does not study the past, it builds it. Every national history is mythology, and mythologies serve to structure people's minds. History has always been a weapon, a political tool, a psychological speech, and that is because it has always been written by those in power in order to legitimize it. Today there is talk about transformation in Mexico's history: independence, reform, and revolution. They all involved war, polarization, and hatred; each of them generated division and sowed the seeds of subsequent conflicts. But in order to transform Mexico, there must be a collective change of mindset, having the common good as an indispensable premise to achieving peace. The Myth of the Three Transformations is a walk-through history and through our own way of thinking so that we can achieve a true transformation and build the best Mexico possible.