Misterios de la Uncin / Mysteries of the Anointing

Misterios de la Uncin / Mysteries of the Anointing

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Cmo es posible que algunos ministros, cuyas vidas -tanto en lo personal como en lo espiritual- estn secas y en ruinas, acten todava bajo la uncin y continen ministrando con poder?

El pastor Benny Hinn se plante esta cuestin durante una temporada de prueba que atraves. Su bsqueda lo llev a entender, profundamente, tres tipos de uncin que yacen en las Escrituras: la uncin que est dentro de ti (1 Juan 2:27), la uncin que est sobre ti (Hechos 18) y la uncin global, que edifica y destruye naciones (Isaas 10:27).

En este libro, Hinn explora esos tres tipos de uncin, relata historias personales de cosas que aprendi de la mano de Kathryn Kuhlman y Oral Roberts, adems de proporcionar ejemplos bblicos e histricos que ilustran sus enseanzas.

En esta obra descubrirs...
- Cmo detectar si la uncin dentro de ti se est debilitando o ha desaparecido
- La bendicin --y los peligros-- que pueden surgir cuando Dios comienza a usarte
- Cundo eres ms vulnerable a un ataque demonaco y qu hacer al respecto
- Qu impide la uncin en tu vida y tu ministerio, y qu la aumenta
- El impacto de la uncin en el mundo y cmo la experimentar la iglesia en mayor medida


You are not limited to your own human abilities.

This book will answer all of your questions about the anointing. It will prepare you to experience the precious touch of God on everything you do.

How can some ministers whose personal and spiritual lives are dried up and in shambles still operate in the anointing and continue to minister with power? Pastor Benny Hinn asked this question during a season of personal trial, and his quest led him to an in-depth understanding of the three "rivers," or types, of anointing in Scripture: 1 John 2:27 (the anointing within you); Acts 1:8 (the anointing upon you); and Isaiah 10 (a global anointing related to building up and destroying nations).

In Mysteries of the Anointing, Hinn explores these three types of anointing, sharing personal stories of things he learned firsthand from Kathryn Kuhlman and Oral Roberts, as well as providing biblical and historical examples that illustrate his teachings. Readers will discover:

  • How to detect if the anointing within you is weakening or gone
  • The blessings--and dangers--that can happen when God begins to use you
  • When you're most vulnerable to demonic attack and what to do about it
  • What hinders the anointing in your life and ministry and what increases it
  • The impact of the anointing around the world and how the church will experience it in greater measure
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