Una Mentira Compartida / A Shared Lie

Una Mentira Compartida / A Shared Lie

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«Con una pluma dulce y delicada, Raquel te transporta a Dubln de la mano de unos personajes totalmente entraables a los que no olvidars. Esta historia te dejar el corazn calentito y una sonrisa en la cara . -VIOLETA REED

Y si fingir ser pareja fuese la nica solucin para conseguir alquilar un piso?

MAEVE quiere ser escritora.

RUBN, sobrevivir a su ao de doctorado en Dubln.

ELLA tiene nueve meses para escribir una gran novela, pero su entusiasmo y su energa desbordante suelen jugarle malas pasadas.

L lo tiene claro: entre la neurobiologa y el ingls, lo ms difcil de superar es el idioma de Joyce... y su afn de perfeccin.

Ambos tienen un plan para lograr sus objetivos. Sin embargo, no contaban con que unas circunstancias un tanto particulares (o la burbuja del alquiler en la capital irlandesa) los llevaran a fingir que son pareja para poder alquilar un piso decente. Sern capaces de sobrevivir a una convivencia catica? O la casera de su pequeo estudio para dos acabar por descubrir el pastel?

A veces, las situaciones desesperadas requieren medidas desesperadas.


"With sweet and delicate prose, Raquel transports you to Dublin, with a sympathetic and unforgettable character as your guide. This is a story that will warm your heart and leave you with a smile on your face." -VIOLETA REED

What if pretending to be a couple were the only way to rent a flat?

MAEVE wants to be a writer.

RUBN just wants to survive his year of doctoral studies in Dublin.

SHE has nine months to write a great novel, but her unbridled energy and enthusiasm tend to lead her into trouble.

HE is sure of one thing: between neurobiology and English, the hardest part to master is the language of Joyce ... and his own perfectionism.

Each has a plan for reaching their goals, but what they couldn't foresee was a unique set of circumstances (the Dublin real estate bubble) that will convince them to pretend to be a couple to be able to rent a decent living space. Can they survive their chaotic coexistence? Or will the landlady of their tiny studio apartment discover their deception?

Sometimes, desperate situations call for desperate measures.

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