Objeto de escndalo en su momento, la novela hubo de sortear la censura del rgimen de Napolen III y sent las bases del realismo literario. Emma Bovary representa la rebelin contra el encorsetamiento que impone la opresiva sociedad burguesa de la Francia rural decimonnica y su profunda insatisfaccin vital. Emma huye de un matrimonio infeliz, pero tambin de un mundo que no est hecho a su medida, de una poca que no es la suya. «Luego sera preciso inventar una historia para explicarle a Bovary lo ocurrido... Pero cul? A subject of scandal during its publication, this novel had to overcome the censorship by Napoleon III before it became the pioneer of literary realism. Emma Bovary represents the rebellion against the corset-like, bourgeoise society of nineteenth-century France and the profound dissatisfaction with life. Emma runs from her unhappy marriage, but as well from a world that isn't made how she prefers, and from a period that is not hers.
Objeto de escndalo en su momento, la novela hubo de sortear la censura del rgimen de Napolen III y sent las bases del realismo literario. Emma Bovary representa la rebelin contra el encorsetamiento que impone la opresiva sociedad burguesa de la Francia rural decimonnica y su profunda insatisfaccin vital. Emma huye de un matrimonio infeliz, pero tambin de un mundo que no est hecho a su medida, de una poca que no es la suya. «Luego sera preciso inventar una historia para explicarle a Bovary lo ocurrido... Pero cul? A subject of scandal during its publication, this novel had to overcome the censorship by Napoleon III before it became the pioneer of literary realism. Emma Bovary represents the rebellion against the corset-like, bourgeoise society of nineteenth-century France and the profound dissatisfaction with life. Emma runs from her unhappy marriage, but as well from a world that isn't made how she prefers, and from a period that is not hers.